#112, Silver Point, GIDC - 3, Jamnagar-361004 Gujarat - INDIA +91 82003 04799 export@metallsgroup.com

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About us

Metalls International is a reliable Manufacturer, supplier & exporter of Industrial Engineering components, Sub-assemblies and assemblies. We are established in the year 2021, from a humble of Small Unit space of 300 sq. ft. in 2021 and a thin product line in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. Metalls International have a experience of more than 10 years in the Custom Metal Parts catering to a wide gamut of Customers in the following category :-

Electrical Wiring Accessories
Modular Switches
Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Switchgear
House Hold Appliances
Door Lock and Hardware
General Engineering
Call to ask any question

+91 82003 04799

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Being an ISO 9001:2000 certified, We are committed to our business partners to provide.

Fast Delivery & Development
Optimum Cost & Quality
Increasing value at glance


Make our mission fruitful by making our organization from Micro to Medium scale by 2027


Provide best customer service by optimum cost & world class quality and quick delivery to our customers.

Get In Touch

#112, Silver Point, GIDC - 3, Jamnagar-361004 Gujarat-INDIA


+91 82003 04799